Saturday, 19 January 2013

a collage tool - f17

installed a collage tool in f17 - Fotowall - only tool available for free for linux - its a pretty cool app - simple, easy to use - never like gimp - installed in fedora thro the cmd - 

$ sudo yum install fotowall.x86_64


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

more magic with WGET

code @ [] - wanted to download android lectures @ that site 4 a very long time - normally use "download helper" firefox plugin - now that v hav "wget magic" - i used it in a bash script in a loop - grabs all the req videos - an added advantage - with "-c" option , download can resume even after being interrupted - more wget magic 2 come - :) - EOF

Monday, 14 January 2013

PythonCv in "pi"

pi - vnc server - fedora
running "wheezy" on pi - tightvncserver runs on pi - vncviewer on fedora (f17)

running a sample py script for opencv samples

someone posted a question in Raspberry pi fb group - about installing and usin the python interface of opencv in pi - i have installed and tested opencv in pi from both pre-built package and compiled from src c0de - never tried python interface of cv - now managed to install pythoncv on pi and tested a sample code - these are the steps 

1. Install opencv 
$ sudo apt-get install dev-opencv

2. Install python dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install python-numpy 
$ sudo apt-get install libpython2.6 python-dev python2.6-dev 

3. Install python-opencv
$ sudo apt-get install python-opencv

4. Go to samples/python/ folder of Opencv src code 
(and run a python script)
$ python


Sunday, 13 January 2013

Some "wget" magic

files from
files mirrored from

wget in cmdline
wget running in shell

watched the movie "The Social Network" a few days ago - noticed the phrase "wget magic" - wanted to try it - it sure is useful - i have been following the site [] for Vision part of my project - now i can mirror the site (i am doing it) - (ie) take a copy of the entire site data - so i dont have to go online to view the post every time - reading the man page of wget - planning 2 use it along with htmldoc or something like dat - EOF

Saturday, 12 January 2013

The Mess i make

arduino - motor-driver shield - dc motors - multimeter - usb cable - batteries - chasis - breadboard - wheels

currently workin on a project - adding vision to a stupid bot - experimenting with OpenCv libraries - the bot is supposed to pickup some dummy objects - so it needs a grabber (duh) - the servos i have are useless - planning to implement it with dc motors (and some smart programming) - arduino - need a motor driver shield for running the motors - planning on buyin a shield with a feature to directly plugin bluetooth module - need a dc motor with higher torque than others for lifting the grabbing up and down - EOF